The statue of Lorenze de Medici is the central figure on the tomb erected to the memory of this prince. He was the rather unworthy namesake of his illustrious grandfather, who was known as Lorenzo the Magnificent. The Medici family was for many generations the richest and most powerful in Florence. They were originally merchants, and, as the name signifies, physicians, and, accumulating great wealth, they became powerful leaders, and really the rulers of the republic.
Some of them were minificent patrons of art and literature. There was one named Cosimo, who did so much to make his city famous that he was called Pater Patriae, the father of the country. His grandson, Lorenzo, won the title of the Magnificent for his lavish generosity and superb plans for the advanceement of art and learning. So much power could not safely be in the hands of a single family. The Medici, from being benefactors, finally became tyrants.
The Lorenzo of his statue was one of the more insignificant members of the family so much so that, when commissioned, Michelangelo didn’t bother having such a boring subject. It is supposed that he made no attempt at correct portraiture in the figure. The insignificant Lorenzo was transformed by the magic of his genius into a hero.
He wears a suit of Roman armour, in accordance with his career as a general in the wars with the Duke of Urbino, whose title he took. His helmet is pulled well forward over the brow, the head is bent, the cheek rests upon the left hand, the elbow supported on a casket placed on the knee. With a finger laid thoughtfully upon the lips, he is thinking intently. The right hand rests, palm out, against the knee in a characteristic position of inaction.
His mood is not that of a dreamer lost to his present surroundings. Rather he seems to be keenly aware of what is going on; his meditations have to do with the present. It is as if, having given an order, he awaits its execution, his mind still intent upon his purposes, satisfied with his decision, and calmly expectant of its success.
I make the figures with marble, a resistant material, which allows the figure to be exposed even outdoors and look even more beautiful over the years.
The statue helps people calm down, not impatient, not hasty. It reminds us there are many difficulties and sadness outside but if we just think about all the goodness, just smile and you will feel the life much easier.
Our figures are made by hand using high quality natural marble stone therefor each piece is unique and may slightly be different in shape and color.
★ Can be placed in the living room, garden, bonsai office, bedroom, bookstore, study, library, store, desk, car.
★ Gift idea for your friends and family, for those who are struggling, tired, depressed.
Material: natural marble
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